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IHE Mental Health In Your Pocket 2019 Virtual Booklet

IHE Mental Health In Your Pocket 2019 is a pan-Canadian virtual handbook of mental health economic statistics, developed in partnership with the Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal and Montréal University, which synthesizes a large amount of the most currently available data into indicators on the various economic aspects of the mental health system. More specifically, this virtual tool brings together information that describes the burden of disease of mental illness, consolidates information on key indicators that depict the state of our mental health system, and ranks Canada’s mental health system among other developed countries.

This virtual booklet is organized into four categories:

  1. Burden of Disease
  2. Expenditures
  3. Resources
  4. Utilization

To get started, click the boxes below!

For an aggregated electronic PDF file of the charts and graphs below, please click HERE.

IHE Mental Health In Your Pocket 2019 is also available in French! IHE Statistiques économiques en santé mentale dans votre poche (SÉSaMe) 2019 est aussi disponible en français en version électronique. Pour plus d'informations, s'il vous plaît visitez

For previous editions of IHE Mental Health In Your Pocket 2007, 2006, or IHE In Your Pocket 2006, 2008, 2010, 2014, 2017, please click here.

Please note: The categories and data presented are not exhaustive. Researchers selected data based on multiple considerations, including but not limited to whether data: was available at the time of development, aggregated appropriately, and collected in a rigorous manner. All data sources are referenced.